Siyum Invitations
Each class made Siyum invitations based around a thread of interest that became a theme in their classroom.
Kitah Daled's Clay People and Animals
Morah Jessica offered Kitah Daled Sculpey Clay to make people and animals to inhabit their wooden structures.
Kitah Daled Etched Portrait Prints
For Kitah Daled’s final portrait project, the children explored printmaking.
Kitah Alef's Cardboard Excavator
The Kitah Gimmel children have been fascinated by the construction site across the street.
Kitah Alef-Balloon Printing
Kitah Alef have been exploring a variety of gross motor painting experiences.
Bike Painting with Kitah Alef
Kitah Alef children have been preoccupied with the large trucks involved in the construction across the street. We combined the interests of vehicles and painting together in one provocation!
Paper Making with Kitah Bet
Two of the biggest threads of interest in Kitah Bet have been collage and nature. This led us to papermaking!
Transparency Portraits by Kitah Daled
The children seemed to really enjoy painting the Tile Portrait Table during last class, so Morah Jessica wanted to find a way to incorporate painting with the thread of Self Portraits.
Kitah Alef’s Paints with Forks and Combs
KItah Aleph used forks and combs as paintbrushes for their second large canvas.
Kitah Alef Feather Dusters
Morah Chaya suggested making feather dusters for Pesach With the Kitah Alef children.
Pesach Art
The children of Intown Jewish Preschool created a variety of projects to celebrate Peach.
Kitah Gimmel Weaves in the Atelier
Kitah Gimmel recently started weaving in their classroom.
Kitah Bet's Floral-Resin Table
Morah Jessica offered the project of a floral-resin table for Kitah Bet students to make for the Fun Run Auction.
Kitah Daled Enrichment adds Metal to Wooden Structures
Recently, Morah Jessica brought in some more materials for the children to use with their structures.
Kitah Gimmels Fabric Groggers
Moving into Purim, we wanted to continue the thread of fabric as a medium.
Kitah Aleph’s Painted Wood Groggers
Since Kitah Aleph has enjoyed painting all year, we wanted to include that process in the children’s groggers.
Kitah Daled's Clay Faces
Kitah Daled’s most recent self-portrait experience in the Atelier is a bit different.