Kitah Daled's Tile Portraits

Kitah Daled’s Portrait study continues!

  “The spider is eating my hair.”-Nathan    

This time the canvas is 6 inch square tiles. Again, the children have mirrors so they may use their reflection for reference. They depicted themselves using Sharpies and acrylic paint markers.

     “My hair is flames.”-Levana

Since the children have been drawing themselves for a while, they have been getting pretty creative with their depictions. Many of the children are experimenting with unusual color combinations. Some are going even further, transforming themselves into a sort of fantasy character from their own imagination.

Levana was inspired by a character from a movie she likes. She drew herself with laser eyes, flaming hair, and a fierce expression.

  “I’m going to make mine scary.”-Irving  

Irving said he wanted to draw himself as a monster or alien. “The lines around my eyes are spikes,” says Irving. He kept asking Morah Jessica “Is this going to give you nightmares?” 

Morah Jessica assembled a table together out of 3 old IKEA shelves, some brackets from KD Enrichment’s building stash, and some table legs from Amazon. The children painted the table with pastel greens, blues, purple, white, gold, and gray acrylic paints. They made swirls and splatters as they passed the paints back and forth. They worked together, adding to each other's designs.

Once the paint was dry, the table was coated in Mod Podge to seal it. The next step was to add the tiles.

During Aftercare, a couple of students made title tiles for the piece. They helped lay out the tiles down the center of the table in two rows, then glued them using Weldbond Glue. The final piece is a functional art piece.


Pesach Art


Kitah Gimmel Weaves in the Atelier