Kitah Daled’s Outer Space Zoo Illustration
The Kitah Daled children are storytellers. In every part of their play they are telling a story.
Drawing on foil with Pre-Kitah Alef
This week’s art exploration combines the children’s interest in paint with the thread of reflection.
Pre-Kitah Alef Paints with Textured Rollers
This week’s Atelier experience combines sensory exploration with the thread of painting.
Kitah Daled Makes Yarn Portraits
Continuing the thread of Self Portraits, this week the children made their image out of yarn!
Charcoal Drawing with KItah Alef
Most recently, the Kitah Alef children explored charcoal. This continues the thread of fine-motor art.
Kitah Daled’s Watercolor Portraits
The latest in Kitah Daled’s self-portrait exploration are watercolor portraits. The children were each given a sheet of watercolor paper, a watercolor palette, a paint brush, and a mirror.
Kitah Gimmel’s Nature Creatures
The children’s interest in Nature and Sculpture led us to this week’s provocation.
Pre- Kitah Alef’s Transparent Painting
This week’s experience continues the thread of transparency while adding the new interest in paint.
Bleeding Tissue with Kitah Alef
This week Kitah Alef was presented with half sheets of watercolor paper, circles of bright tissue paper, cups of water, and paint brushes
Watercolor Pastels and Pencils with Kitah Alef
This week the children were offered the experience of watercolor painting.
Cut Paper Portraits with Kitah Daled
Our most recent foray into portraiture was inspired by giant googly eyes Morah Jessica came across at an estate sale.
Kitah Daled’s Menorahs
The Kitah Daled children have many threads of interest. We wanted to honor as many of these as possible by reflecting them in the menorah project this year.
Kitah Gimmel’s Metal Menorahs
Strong threads of interest in Kitah Gimmel this year are building and sculpture.
Kitah Bet’s Mosaic Menorahs
Kitah Bet’s menorahs were inspired by a recent collage project.
Kitah Alef Menorahs in the Atelier
Fine Motor development has been a strong focus in the Atelier with Kitah Alef children. They have also shown a strong interest in paint.
Pre-Kitah Alef's Menorahs
Recently in the Atelier, the children have been exploring paint. They are very curious. They want to feel the paint and even taste the paint.
Mixed Media on Canvas Board with Kitah Alef
This week they were offered tempera sticks, dot markers, and glitter glue to decorate canvas boards.
Kitah Daled Makes Leaf Table Cloths
Kitah Daled children spend a lot of time drawing. They are often found at the drawing center in their classroom.
Kitah Bet's Painted Cardboard Mats
Morah Adi offered sheets of woven cardboard for her class to make into place mats for the Thanksgiving Feast.