Kitah Bet's Self Portrait Purim Puppets

For a bonus Purim project Morah Jessica offered a puppet project featuring the children’s faces.

Morah printed and laminated a photo of each child. She adhered each photo to the top of a large popsicle stick.

The children each created a costume for their picture.

“I’m going to be Haman.”-Zev M.

They each selected yarn for their hair and fabric scraps for their clothing.

The children decorated the ensemble with fabric flowers, gems, pom-poms and buttons.

Morah Jessica helped attach the various materials using a low-temperature hot glue gun.

“I’m going to be a chef.”-Westley

“I want a cape.”-Zev S.

The children were excited to use their puppets. Many asked “Can I take it home?”


Kitah Gimmel Weaves in the Atelier


Kitah Bet's Floral-Resin Table