Transparency Portraits by Kitah Daled

The children seemed to really enjoy painting the Tile Portrait Table during last class, so Morah Jessica wanted to find a way to incorporate painting with the thread of Self Portraits.

First the children painted freely on watercolor paper. Some children painted a stripe pattern, others swirled and mixed the colors, there was even a bit of splatter painting. This painting would become the background for their self portrait.

While the paintings dried, the children each sat in front of a photograph of their face. Each photo was covered with a transparent sheet of acetate. The children were asked to trace their photo using Sharpie markers.

Many of the children had difficulty at first figuring out which parts of their faces needed outlining. They were able to lift up the transparency to check their work. Some children added lipstick or changed the image on their shirt. Morah Jessica reminded the children that they did not need to color anything in because their painting would be adhered to their drawing. Morah Jessica helped the children attach their portraits to their paintings using Glue Dots, placing one in each corner.


Paper Making with Kitah Bet


Kitah Alef’s Paints with Forks and Combs