Bike Painting with Kitah Alef

Kitah Alef children have been preoccupied with the large trucks involved in the construction across the street. We combined the interests of vehicles and painting together in one provocation!

Morah Jessica laid out a long piece of roll paper and tempera paint in squeeze bottles. The children were brought over in pairs. They took turns with the paint and the bikes. One child squeezed the paint and the other friend chose a car, bike, or scooter to ride across the paper.

The children streaked tire tracks of different sizes and colors down the paper. The bold colored splotches and lines intermingled all the way down the page. The various vehicles provided had different sized tires. Some of the tires had indentations and treads on them, adding variety to the marks. During this experience, the children engaged their gross motor skills squeezing the paint bottle and riding the bikes.


Kitah Alef-Balloon Printing


Embroidery in Kitah Gimmel