Leaf Garlands by Kitah Alef and Kitah Gimmel
For the Thanksgiving Feast, Kitah Alef and Kitah Gimmel teamed up together to create painted leaf garlands!
Pre-Kitah Alef Paints Wood
Each class is making a decoration for our Grandparent’s Day Thanksgiving Celebration.
Kitah Daled Enrichment: Nature Scavenger Hunts and Sculptures
Kitah Daled continues to explore nature. This week the children collected small nature treasures like small leaves, tulip poplars, tiny twigs, pieces of bamboo, pecan shells, etc.
Kitah Daled’s Nature Art and Experiences
During Enrichment, the Kitah Daled children often spend half the period outside. These children are constantly moving and very curious.
KItah Daled’s Thanksgiving Invitation
For Kitah Daled’s Thanksgiving Invitation, The children created leaf rubbings.
Kitah Gimmel Paper Leaf Collages
The children of Kitah Gimmel have made a few different collages already this year.
Kitah Bet’s Fall Leaf Prints
We have so many different types of trees surrounding our property. They are a variety of shapes and colors. We began collecting them from the playground.
Pre-Kitah Alef's Leaf Collage
For their Thanksgiving invitations, Pre Kitah Alef made a collage on contact paper.
Kitah Daled’s Partner Portraits
This week the children were offered sheets of transparency film and Sharpies.
Kitah Daled's Clay Creatures
Following the holidays, the children have returned to the medium of clay.
Kitah Alef's Sticky Collage
This week, the children of Kitah Alef were presented with a large sheet of contact paper to use as a canvas.
Pre-Kitah Alef's Simchat Torah Flags
For Simchat Torah the Pre-Kitah Alef children made their own Simchat Torah flags.
Pre-Kitah Alef Sukkah Decorations
Kitah Alef children have been exploring light, reflection, and transparency in the Atelier.
Kitah Alef Makes Simchat Torah Flags
With Simchat Torah fast approaching, all of the classes are making flags to take home and celebrate the holiday.
Kitah Alef Sukkah Decorations
For Sukkot, the Kitah Alef children created their own Sukkah decorations.
Kitah Bet Makes Simchat Torah Flags
For Simchat Torah, the Kitah Bet children were each presented with a rectangle of muslin to make their own flag.
Kitah Bet's Sukkah Decorations
In the Atelier, Kitah Bet was presented with natural and recycled materials as well as ribbons, and wire.
Kitah Daled Makes Sukkah Decorations
Kitah Daled children have been interested in nature, building, beading, and drawing this year.
Kitah Gimmel Makes Sukkah Decorations
For their Sukkot project, Kitah Gimmel was presented with recycled materials and loose parts to turn into a Sukkah decoration.