Textile Portraits in the Atelier with Kitah Daled

Kitah Daled continued their thread of Portraits, this week.

They were presented with a variety of fabric scraps, yarn, ribbon, felt, thread, pom-poms, glue, scissors, and mirrors.

First, the children used a fabric marker to draw a circle on a sheet of felt.

Next, they used ribbons, thread, and/or yarn to create their hair. Benji said, “I need red in my hair.” Many children took this opportunity to give themselves multi-colored or even rainbow colored hair. As Victoria places her portrait on the drying rack, she says “I have so much hair!”

They glued pom-poms for the eyes and nose. Many children use a piece of string or yarn to represent their mouth.

Irving decided, “I want a mad mouth.”

Nathan said, “I want to make my mouth a circle.”

The children cut pieces of fabric to make clothing for their portraits. Some of the children create entire outfits. Rosie said, “I want gold on my dress.” She couldn’t find gold fabric, but she found gold string that she cut and glued in a stripe pattern to the dress in her portrait.


Kitah Daled's Recycled Groggers


Kitah Daled Enrichment's Recycled Accessories