Kitah Daled Enrichment's Recycled Accessories

Kitah Daled students have been beading all year, both in class and during Enrichment.

There were so many recycled materials leftover from our Recycled Plants activity on Ladies Day.

Morah Jessica decided to present the recycled parts along with beads, wire, and string to see if it would spark interest.

Paint markers and permanent markers were offered so children could add their own colors and patterns to the plastic, aluminum, and cardboard materials.

Another fun material that was added recently is wooden beads. These are easy for the children to add their own design.

Broken toys, washi tape rings, lids, bottle caps, hardware bits, and more were strung together to make keychains, headbands, crowns, necklaces, bracelets, and rings.

Nathan says he is “The King of Metal.” He and Benji used the pop tabs, washers, silver beads, and floppy disk parts to make their accessories. 


Textile Portraits in the Atelier with Kitah Daled


Kitah Alef’s Splatter Painting