Fine Motor Mark-Making in Kitah Bet
Last year, a thread of interest in Kitah Bet was Gross Motor art. These experiences engaged and strengthened the muscles in their arms and legs as well as their stability. This fall, the children were presented with opportunities for Fine Motor Mark Making. These types of exploration strengthen the muscles in the hands.
Bleeding tissue paper
The children chose their favorite colors of tissue paper and arranged them across a half sheet of water color paper. They then dipped their brushes into water and wet the tissue circles until the dye started to bleed onto their paper. The colors began to run into each other and mix, making new shades.
Pom pom painting
This session in the Atelier continued the exploration of mark making.
The children used tweezers to pick up pom-poms and dip them into bright colors of tempera paint. They then dabbed and dragged the pom-poms across the page making dots and streaks as they painted.
The children learned how to open and close the tool to pick up and drop the pom-poms. This repeated motion will strengthen their pincer grip and help with writing in the future.