Self Portraits in Kitah Daled
Colored Pencil Self Portraits
The children looked at themselves in a mirror and drew what they saw with pencil. They started with the round shape of their face, then added details such as eyes, nose, mouth, ears, and hair. They then colored everything with colored pencil.
Mosaic Self Portraits
For the next offering, children were given assorted tiles and sheets of cardboard to use as a base. First, the children drew their image using a mirror as reference.
Then, they chose tiles to represent the various details of their face and glued the tiles to the cardboard with tacky glue.
Watercolor Self Portraits
For this most recent portrait, the children first drew their image with pencil while looking in a mirror. The children focused on where their features were located on their face. They tried to draw lightly with pencil and used an eraser when necessary. Next, the children added color to their drawing using a watercolor palette and paintbrush. Some children painted their image in a very realistic style, others used a more impressionist technique.