Jeweled Clay Sculptures in KD Enrichment
In the beginning of the school year, the KD children were offered playdough with ice cream molds. They were given pom poms, gems, and small tiles to use as toppings and sprinkles. The children made elaborate ice cream cones and sundaes.
In the weeks that followed, the children continued to sculpt “pastries” and “baked goods” out of the playdough.
Next, Morah set up a provocation with clay, tools, pictures of pastries, and glittery “toppings” such as sequins, seed beads, gold pebbles, small shell pieces, and gems. This empowered the children to make something lasting, that they could take home.
Alot more than “pastries” emerged from this project.
After the children shaped their various creations they then painted their clay with acrylic paint and tinted Modge Podge. Once dry, the children glazed their clay with one final layer of Modge Podge and sprinkled glitter on top.
“I’m making a gold and rainbow cookie.”-Evie
“I’m making a butterfly garden.”-Yonit
Zapping Electric Machine
“It zaps who I want it to zap.”-Benji
Robot Donut
“If someone tries to eat it, it turns into a robot.” -Nathan
Rainbow Garden-
“It’s also a pokey garden. It has lots of pokey plants.” -Irving
“It’s a scary ghost.”-Isabella
“It’s electric.”-Jules
Sad Circle-
“It’s filled with beautiful things that make you feel good when you are sad.”-Levana
“I made a garden for butterflies.”-Victoria
“This is a magic clay. If you go inside it gets even bigger.”-Evelyn