Marker Portraits in Kitah Daled

Kitah Daled continues the thread of self portraits. Their most recent creations are marker portraits. 

The children first drew their reflections with pencil. Then they traced the lines with thin, brush markers.

“My eyebrows are like this because they are brave.”-Evelyn

“I’m Surprised.”-Irving

Some of the children drew themselves very realistically, choosing colors that closely resembled what they saw in the mirror. Others took the opportunity to change their hair color.

“You know why I'm so happy? Because I love the wind.”-Yonit

Many children focused on expressing a certain emotion in their portrait. Some of the faces were happy, some were sad, surprised, or even mad.


Kitah Alef Atelier: Rolling Pin Prints


Mallet Painting in the Atelier with Kitah Alef