Pre-Kitah Alef Paints with Textured Rollers

This week’s Atelier experience combines sensory exploration with the thread of painting.

The Pre-Kitah Alef children were presented with a variety of textured rollers made by Morah Jessica. They were each covered in a different material such as: sandpaper, bubble wrap, chicken wire, burlap, pebbles, yarn, and electrical wire.

The children selected a shade of tempera paint and Morah squirted it onto a sheet of watercolor paper. The children then selected a roller and pushed it through the paint to make a print on their paper.

This process continued as they tried other rollers and other colors of paint.

Each roller transferred a different pattern onto the paper. The bubble wrap and pebble-covered rollers were quite popular.


Yarn Painting with Kitah Alef


Kitah Daled Makes Yarn Portraits