Kitah Daled Makes Yarn Portraits
Continuing the thread of Self Portraits, this week the children made their image out of yarn!
The children each chose a sheet of construction paper as their background.
Morah Jessica gave them each a pencil and a mirror. The children took a few minutes to do a quick sketch of their faces on the brightly colored paper.
Next, the children were presented with yarn in a variety of colors. They selected then cut their own pieces of yarn with which they would depict their various facial features.
Morah Jessica provided each child with a small container of school glue with a brush.
The children used their pencil lines as a guide, brushing glue over them. Many children began making the outline of their head first. Morah Jessica showed the children how to measure, then cut the string to size.
Some children scrunched their yarn to create “curly” hair.
It was also interesting to see the different methods the children used to create their eyes. Many created circles. Some children made little bundles of yarn. One child glued two small straight pieces down, making him look like his eyes were closed.