KD Enrichment Box Sculpture

We had a bunch of cardboard boxes leftover from our Summer Camp supply orders. Morah Jessica presented the boxes, tape, paint markers, and scissors to the children as a provocation. She showed the children a picture of a tower made with recycled materials as inspiration.

Some children began stacking the larger boxes big to small, placing a skinnier box on top of the tower as a spire. They taped the edges of the boxes down with duct tape. 

Many children created their own buildings with the smaller boxes. 

Nathan made a “garage for cars.” He asked Morah Jessica to cut windows along the sides and a door with her utility knife. 

Victoria added some doors to her building as well. 

Levana used the cardboard squares that were cut from Nathan’s building to create a floor for her building. She used packing tape to connect the smaller squares together. Levana said, “I want to make a pool for my hotel.”

Rosie said, “I’m making a Tzedakah Box.”

The following day the children were offered tempera sticks and glitter gel paint to paint their sculptures.

Some furniture arrived this week for the infant classroom. After Mr. Jonathan and Mr. James unpacked the items, they gave us the large boxes!


Kitah Daled’s Polymer Clay Sculptures


Mud Painting with Kitah Bet