Kitah Alef Spray Paints with Watercolors
More messy gross-motor art!
This week Kitah Alef students were presented with five spray bottles containing liquid watercolor paint. A large sheet of roll paper was taped to the acrylic windows on the middle playground. Several lids of different shapes and sizes were glued to the paper. This was meant to create areas of negative space when the lids were removed.
The children sprayed the watercolors all over the paper, delighting in the colors overlapping and mixing. They traded bottles as they worked. Most were able to operate the bottle right away. Some children had difficulty squeezing the trigger and had to use two hands.
Once the paper became oversaturated, Morah Jessica hung up a sheet of muslin for the children to paint.
This experience gave the children an opportunity to strengthen the muscles in their hands with the repetition of squeezing the spray bottle.