Cardboard and Styrofoam Creations in Kitah Daled Enrichment
The children were offered a provocation of styrofoam shapes arranged into a structure and plastic animals. The children rearranged the materials, building their own structures. They acted out stories with the animals.
Next, the children were offered cardboard boxes and tape. The children assembled the styrofoam blocks and cardboard boxes into buildings of their own design and taped the pieces together. They had Morah cut out windows and doors.
The children decorated their creations with cut paper, glue sticks, and crayons.
Victoria- “I made a castle.”
Isabella-“This is my habitat.”
Some of the structures were big enough for the children to go inside.
Irving-“This is my garage.”
Children added ramps and tunnels.
Benji- “The goal is to get the car through the tunnel.”
Morah offered cars to be used with the structures, next class.
Evie-”This is a parking garage.”
The children have found other uses for the structures. Recently they have used them to play balloon tennis and ping pong hockey.